Kasirer's Blog

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Breaking the Law

Thursday afternoon I found myself driving eastbound on Wilshire towards the sky-scrapers of downtown Los Angeles. Accelerating at a green light, I turn my head to the right and see my good friend officer Norling. My speedometer read 45, so maybe I was safe I slowed down regardless. About eight seconds later, Norling is right behind me and I had my first speeding ticket. If only it was a violation for riding a Vespa sans helmet.

I was going too fast, but I was not going THAT fast. Norling did not like my jokes, or my friends. Maybe he was having a rough day, who knows for sure? He had me down at 42 in a 35 zone, which is a bit annoying. If I am going to be pulled over, I want it to be for like 30 miles over the limit not 7 bush league MPH's. Police state if you ask me.

In any event, my friend is competing in the American Championships of Rock Paper Scissors as I type.


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