Kasirer's Blog

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Upon my return from the Southern Cone, I would like to return to the game of baseball, a game which really gets my emotions going. When Pedro made it look like a no-hitter was actually possible I was put into a huge dilema. Do I root for the Dodgers to get a hit? or Do i become a traitor and anticipate the no-hitter like it was a Chanukah gift?

The choice was easy in my mind. Obviously I betrayed my team and wanted the Dodgers to be on the bad end of a no-hitter. Seeing a no-hitter is probably top 6 in my life's to do list, so when the Dodgers got a hit in the 8th and eventually took the lead, I was crushed realizing that my dream would have to wait for who knows how long.

This leads to a larger moral issue in sports that I will discuss later. The topics include: is it ethical to root against your team and is tanking the season a something that a team can strive to achieve?


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