Kasirer's Blog

Monday, August 22, 2005


Yesterday I indulged in one of my greatest pleasures besides eating. I watched a day-game. The angels hosted the bosox. It was a nice day and a nice game, but the away fans really annoyed me. They annoyed me to the point that Boston is now tops on my list of hated teams behind the Giants, Red Wings, Yankees, and Manchester United. One thing about all these teams is that they have annoying bandwagon fans, and the same is true for Boston.

Just because you win one World Series, it does not give you license to get tanked and make the stadium yours. These idiots actively try to start fights with other "peaceful fans" like me.

If you are one who enjoys watching your team play road games, act polite and cheer your team, but don't be a d-bag. One other thing that bugs me is that the fans act like they know the players personally and that the players can actually hear them. Yelling "Hey Jonny" in an annoying Boston accent does absolutely nothing for anyone but yourself.

Here's to the A's, Angels, Braves, and Astros winning in October!


  • At 8:49 PM, Blogger Cheddar Ted said…

    I might not see you in September, but I'll definitely be seeing you in Bertember


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